Tuesday, February 17, 2009

History of the Brampton-area potteries

Janine Mannion-Jones posted a great outline of the history of the potteries in the Brampton area, in the region where Thomas grew up. Her outline is based upon the work of Josie Walters. The site includes photos of the landscape and some example clay work.

Philip Mernick is a collector and a researcher of British stoneware hunting jugs.  His information about Brampton came from Ronald Brown's 1994 article on the potteries of Derbyshire in the Journal of the Northern Ceramic Circle.  He has also worked with the collection at the Chesterfield Museum, with the help of curator Anne-Marie Knowles.  He has published information with some pictures here:

One final link for readers!  This site includes information extracted from Piggots Directory for 1835 and it lists several potteries in the area of Brampton Moor and New Brampton,  including:
Briddon, Samual & Henry. (Plain & Fancy). Brampton Moor.*
Knowles, Luke. Brampton Moor.
Oldfield, Thomas & Co. (Plain & Fancy). Brampton Moor.
Wright, Edward & Son. New Brampton.
Wright, John. Brampton Moor.


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